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Over 1,000 professionals from Asia have already been 
accredited with the CESGA designation
1Who should consider CESGA?

The CESGA program is particularly aimed at financial analysts and portfolio managers who want to integrate ESG data in their capital allocation processes, but also for all investment professionals increasingly committed to ESG issues. Other specialists such as corporate sustainability managers, investor relations team, auditors and consultants will find this useful to develop a better understanding of the needs for ESG integration in the capital markets.

2How difficult is the CESGA? What is the average percentage of candidates who pass the exam?

The current pass rate for candidates taking the exam is about 70%.

3How long does the CESGA programme take?

This varies with each candidate and depends on whether or not they have ESG related experience. Without ESG related knowledge, we recommend that CESGA candidates spend a minimum of 80 to 120 hours.


The CESGA programme consists of a total of about 10 hours of online instructional videos (each about an hour long), and candidates will also need to spend time reading the accompanying study materials and taking the online practice exam. Depending on the results of the practice exams, candidates will be able to decide if they need to spend more time studying.

4Who designs the CESGA exam?

CESGA exam was designed by the EFFAS ESG Committee in collaboration with experts from the DVFA (Germany), SFAF (France), AIAF (Italy) and IAFF (Spain). For more information, please refer to the EFFAS website.

5When can I take the exam?

EFFAS conducts four exams every year, usually in March, June, September and December. You can click here for the next exam schedule.

6How many exams can I take?

If you do not pass the initial exam, you may pay an additional fee to take a subsequent exam at another time. If you have paid, you must check with EFFAS to see if there have been any changes to the study materials and scope of the subsequent exams. If required, you may purchase an additional 6 months of access to the learning platform from EFFAS.


7Is the online exam the same as the on-site exam?


8Will the course content be applicable to China’s ESG development?

Yes, the course content will be applicable to China’s ESG development. To cope with growth of green finance and compete with other financial centres in the region, incubating human capital in China is crucial. With ESG integration becoming a norm, CESGA can help nurturing ESG professionals and also new joiners in the field.

9Will the accreditation be recognized in China?

Yes, the CESGA accreditation is internationally recognized and it is well trusted by major financial markets in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

10What is Lianhe Green’s role?

Lianhe Green has been appointed as The European Federation of Financial Analyst Societies’ (EFFAS) partner to help administer the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) program in mainland China for candidates to become an EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst.

11What do I get upon completion of CESGA?

Upon finishing the 9 compulsory modules of CESGA, participants could take the CESGA certification examination. Upon successfully passing the exam, participants will receive the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst Diploma to endorse they have qualified for the “gold standard” of ESG training, and this professional qualification can also be printed on business card.