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[PR] Zhejiang Xinchang Investment Development Co., Ltd. | Sustainable Financing Framework SPO

category:Reports and InsightsRelease time:2024-01-08

Hong Kong, January 8, 2024 - Lianhe Green Development Company Limited (“Lianhe Green”), an external reviewer recognised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Green and Sustainable Finance Grant Scheme, has provided its Second-Party Opinion on the sustainable finance framework of Zhejiang Xinchang Investment Development Co., Ltd. (ZXID). Under the framework, ZXID can issue sustainable bonds or loans.

We have reviewed the following pillars addressed in ZXID's Sustainable Finance Framework:

Upon assessment, Lianhe Green considers the framework to be in alignment with the Green Bond Principles (June 2021 Edition), Social Bond Principles (June 2023 Edition), Sustainability Bond Guidelines (June 2021 Edition) issued by International Capital Markets Association (“ICMA”), and Green Loan Principles (February 2023 Edition) and Social Loan Principles(February 2023 Edition) issued by the Loan Market Association (“LMA”), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (“LSTA”) and the Asia-Pacific Loan Markets Association (“APLMA”). Furthermore, ZXID’s eligible green and social projects are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) issued by United Nations.

ZXID is committed to ensuring that the social and environmental development benefits from its economic performance. It aims to continuously fulfil its social responsibility through its development strategy and business model. The Group is also devoted to upgrade the city, serve the public, purify the environment, maintain strategic focus, strengthen corporate governance, and become the advocate and practitioner of sustainable development.


About Lianhe Green

Lianhe Green Development Company Limited (“Lianhe Green”) was established in 2023 and is a subsidiary of Lianhe Equator Environmental Assessment Co., Ltd. (“Lianhe Equator”) and Lianhe Credit Management Co., Ltd. (“Lianhe Group”). Lianhe Equator is the green and sustainable bond/loan certification provider in mainland China. Lianhe Green is headquartered in Hong Kong, mainly responsible for green and sustainable finance certification business in international markets, ESG reporting and consulting, and ESG training services in mainland China, Hong Kong and abroad.

Lianhe Green aims to become an internationally recognized external verifier for sustainable finance through the cooperation with Liane Equator’s professional and experienced team in this industry. With a belief of “shaping the origin of the earth and sky, and transmitting the civilization of mankind”, Lianhe Green is committed to helping Chinese and foreign enterprises demonstrate their determination in green development, and providing investors with independent and objective third-party certification services. It is our mission to leave green and oceans to our future generations.


Analytical Standards



Joyce Chi, CESGA®

Acting Chief Executive Officer                          

+852 3462 9569


Shingas Cheung, CESGA®


+852 3462 9581



A Lianhe Green SPO is an assessment of the sustainable frameworks of entities. It is not a credit rating.

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Our assessments are not considered investment advice and they are not and should not be considered as a replacement of any person’s own assessment of the ESG factors related to a financial instrument or an entity. Lianhe Green does not represent, warrant or guarantee that our report will fulfil any of your or any other person’s particular purposes or needs. Lianhe Green does not recommend the purchase or sale of financial instruments or securities or give investment advice or provide any legal, auditing, accounting, appraisal or actuarial services.

Lianhe Green does not audit or verify the accuracy of the information provided to issuers by any third party for the purpose of issuing this opinion. Lianhe Green does not represent, warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness, integrity, completeness or timeliness of any part of our opinion.

All published press releases and reports are the intellectual property of Lianhe Green. Any reproduction, redistribution, or modification, in whole or part, in any form by any means is prohibited unless such user has obtained prior written consent from us. 

Copyright © Lianhe Green Development Company Limited 2024.

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